Considering KneeVisc 5? Expect Success!

Considering KneeVisc 5? Expect Success!

KneeVisc 5 is a life-changing medical intervention that can help reduce or eliminate chronic knee pain, return you to a more active lifestyle, and even help postpone or do away with the need for risky knee replacement surgery. While this innovative treatment plan is...
5 Foods That Reduce Inflammation

5 Foods That Reduce Inflammation

Common Foods To Avoid Believe it or not, what you place into your body can have a huge impact on your joints. This rings particularly true for those suffering from symptoms of inflammation caused by auto-immune disorder or arthritis. It may be beneficial to limit the...
How Shoes Can Affect Your Knees

How Shoes Can Affect Your Knees

Various studies have been conducted on how shoes contribute to knee pain, so we can look at research to determine the best choices. This article reviews key attributes of knee-friendly shoes and typical ways that certain categories of shoes impact joint comfort,...
Why Do I Get Sharp Pain in My Knee?

Why Do I Get Sharp Pain in My Knee?

Knee pain is on the rise, according to a large-scale study of medical records that goes back several decades. The study analyzed health data from the Framingham Osteoarthritis Study (three examination periods from 1983-2005) and the National Health and Nutrition...