ViscoGen® Blog

RICE or MICE? When to Rest and When to Move a Painful Knee
If you've dealt with a painful knee in the past, you're probably very familiar with the RICE treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. But in 1996, Dr. Jim Wharton and Dr. Phil Wharton pioneered a new approach by suggesting the MICE treatment, which replaces the...

Alternative Cardio Exercises for People with Bad Knees
It can be hard to stay active when you’re experiencing knee pain. Pain and inflammation are alarm signals in the body, notifying us of injury or damage and alerting us to change our postures or the mechanics of our movements to avoid further harm. Since the knees are...

The Best Kind of Knee Injections
When it comes to any type of injury or condition, it’s best to start with the most natural and least invasive treatment methods possible, but in some cases, supporting repair and healing requires more advanced techniques or technologies. Due to circumstances like an...

Are there Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatments Covered by Insurance?
Insurance is a major issue for many patients and people who suffer from knee pain. It is not uncommon for people to stick with surgical treatments that are covered or only go with a treatment that their insurance provider recommends. However, there are additional...

Should you Exercise with Sore, Stiff Knees?
As medicine advances, care recommendations change, and ideas about working with knee pain and injuries evolve as well. In past decades, the main concept for managing stiffness and inflammation was with rest and elevation, but recently, studies have shown that...

Knee Pain Treatment Covered by Medicare in Orlando
Modern advances in knee pain treatment are doing away with the notion that invasive surgery is the best or only way to treat chronic knee pain. It’s important to note, however, that successful treatment needs to be comprehensive, and not just focus on pain management,...

Recognizing the Signs: When to See a Knee Pain Doctor
Many people put off seeing the doctor when they are in pain. They don't want to create a fuss, they don't want the expense of a doctor's bill, or they are afraid of what they will learn. Unfortunately, this means many people don't catch serious knee problems early on...

Heal Knee Pain by Defying Gravity
Knee pain is a common condition that affects millions of Americans annually, and whether the pain is from an acute injury or overuse, or is due to regular wear and tear, nursing the pain can leave us less active than we’d like to be. In some cases, pain is severe...

Ice or Heat: Which is Best for a Swollen Knee?
Knee pain is one of the most common and debilitating joint issues, affecting millions of people on a daily basis. Whether the pain is caused by an acute injury like a tear or overuse, or it’s the result of too much weight or regular wear and tear, there are a number...

Maintain healthy and happy knees this summer
Summer is a great time to get outdoors. You can visit your local parks, take walks with friends and enjoy late sunsets that turn into cool nights. However, all of these activities can take a toll on your knees over time. Follow these four steps to maintain healthy...
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Suite 205
Orlando FL 32827