
When your knees hurt, it’s tough to do the things you love. Sore, stiff knees can even interfere with your job, making it more difficult to earn a living. Surgery may be an option, but most people don’t want to spend several days in the hospital and months doing physical therapy to try to get back to normal.

That’s why the experienced professionals at ViscoGen™ developed the proprietary KneeVisc 5® protocol. This non-surgical knee pain treatment relieves pain without long periods of down time, making it an attractive option for anyone who wants to eliminate joint pain without undergoing an invasive medical procedure.

What Is KneeVisc 5?

KneeVisc 5® is a comprehensive treatment plan designed to relieve chronic knee pain. Many knee injuries result in a lack of natural lubricant around the joint, increasing friction and pain. As part of the KneeVisc 5® protocol, our experienced health care providers administer hyaluronic acid, a thick fluid that lubricates the joints and cushions them against shock.

If you’re looking for knee pain relief in Orlando, you may benefit from KneeVisc 5® if you have any of the following:

  • Chronic knee pain due to a previous injury
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Muscle weakness around the knee
  • Bursitis of the knee
  • Scar tissue in the knee

How Does KneeVisc 5® Work?

Many practices administer hyaluronic acid injections, but only ViscoGen™ uses the comprehensive KneeVisc 5® protocol. KneeVisc 5® combines lubricating injections with other treatments to provide lasting pain relief. Before you have your first injection, you’ll undergo advanced imaging to ensure you know exactly what’s causing your knee pain.

The KneeVisc 5® protocol also includes bracing, an advanced injection protocol to promote continuous healing, and an individualized program designed to strengthen your knee joint. This combination of treatments makes KneeVisc 5® much more effective than hyaluronic acid injections alone.

Benefits of KneeVisc 5® for Chronic Knee Pain

KneeVisc 5® treats knee pain at its source, reducing inflammation, improving mobility, and strengthening the affected joint. The proprietary combination of treatments also increases joint stability.
Choosing this non-surgical form of knee pain treatment has several potential benefits:

  • The treatment plan is customized to your specific needs, ensuring that you understand the source of your pain and have a chance to correct the underlying issue.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections are minimally invasive, eliminating the need to take weeks off from work to recover from surgery.
  • Strengthening the joint can help prevent your pain from returning even after you stop receiving hyaluronic acid injections.

Get Chronic Knee Pain Relief

If knee pain has been preventing you from living life to the fullest, help is available. Contact ViscoGen™ at (407) 809-8955 to learn more about how our proprietary nonsurgical knee pain program helps patients in Orlando with a wide variety of conditions.