
As we move toward the close of another season, many of us become mindful of the changes we might make in the new year to usher in better health and more happiness. If you experience chronic pain, rapid, lasting joint pain relief may top your list. No matter how long pain conditions have been a part of your life, non-surgical joint pain treatments exist that may provide you with better mobility, improved function, and decreased inflammation. What are some reasons people hesitate to seek relief, and how can ViscoGen™ help you have a Happier New Year?

I Was Told Surgery is My Only Option

In some cases of structural joint damage, surgery is recommended, but it’s far less common than you imagine. Joint surgeries are costly procedures, and unfortunately, they are often suggested to relieve chronic pain conditions when the claims are unsupported. In a 2011 study, it was determined that up to 34% of survey respondents reported unfavorable long-term pain outcomes after knee replacement surgeries. You owe it to yourself to explore additional opinions and ViscoGen’s options for non-surgical pain relief that don’t involve the risks and complications of these operations.

I’m Too Busy for Downtime

When most people are finally motivated to seek support for their joint pain conditions, they expect a lengthy and challenging recovery process from the recommended procedures. ViscoGen’s KneeVisc 5® and JointVisc protocols are the result of years of research and commitment to providing the most effective techniques available in medicine today in one comprehensive care plan. Because we target our non-surgical joint pain treatments to address the joint problem at the source, our clients are back to their regular routines after a very short period of rest and mindful, gentle movement.

I’m Worried Relief Will Take Too Long

In some cases, patients expect joint-pain relief to take months, and the prospect can be overwhelming enough to try and “wait out” the pain. At ViscoGen™, our treatment plans are designed in a series of progressive steps that quickly provide reduced pain and inflammation, re-lubrication of the joint for immediate improvement in mobility, realignment and strengthening for stability and true, long-term relief, and maintenance of an enhanced healing environment that supports the body’s own capacity for repair. Quick relief means faster recovery and re-establishment of a healthy lifestyle and positive state of mind.

Leave Joint Pain Behind In 2023

When envisioning a better 2023, it’s best to partner with Orlando’s leaders in non-surgical orthopedics to look forward to all of the amazing possibilities in your New Year. Your exciting plans won’t need to compensate for the limitations of chronic pain when you work with ViscoGen’s board certified physicians and their comprehensive joint pain treatments. With the most advanced alternatives available in medicine today, you’ll find a fully-integrated, individualized plan for the best results for your condition. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you walk into a healthier new year!