
Improving diet has long been a staple recommendation at healthcare appointments, because healthier food choices invariably lead to better overall wellness. However, there may be an especially good reason to clean up your grocery list if you have chronic knee pain! Some foods not only lead to larger waistlines and more pressure on compromised joints, but they also encourage a system-wide level of inflammation that can increase swelling, tenderness, and pain. Which foods hurt, which foods heal, and how can ViscoGen’s™ advanced therapeutics help you along the way to improved health?

Foods That Fan the Flames of Inflammation

Changing how you eat can be hard to accomplish, because dietary habits and preferences are often developed over many years. To make sustainable shifts toward better choices, it can be helpful to know which foods most contribute to increased inflammation and knee pain and consume less of them:

  • Fried and fast foods are often laden with chemicals and preservatives that raise the level of inflammatory chemicals in your body.
  • Unhealthy Fats like saturated fats, trans fats, and polyunsaturated fats trigger an inflammatory response in the bloodstream that spreads through the body.
  • Refined Carbohydrates like bakery and prepared convenience foods are high in sugar that feed unhealthy gut flora that release inflammatory toxins.
  • Animal products like dairy and meat can contribute to inflammation with saturated fats and endotoxins.

Foods That Encourage Relief

ViscoGen™ offers incredible knee pain relief options that help thousands avoid surgery, and the results are even more impressive and longer lasting when paired with dietary support. Surprisingly, one of the most powerful things you can do to reduce inflammation in your body is to invest in a quality pro-biotic to help your immune system, which is largely at home inside the gut. In addition to that, consider consuming more of these favorable fares:

  • Fresh, fibrous fruits and vegetables feed healthy bacteria in the gut that support the gut lining and a healthy immune response.
  • Healthy fats like ghee, olive, avocado, and coconut oils, and those high in Omega-3s regulate inflammatory processes and can regulate pain related to inflammation.
  • Spices like dill, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, garlic, oregano, and rosemary have anti-inflammatory elements when they are added to cooked dishes.
  • Teas like green tea, black tea, and white teas have antioxidants that help control inflammation in your system.

Making small steps toward improving diet may take time and diligence, but can return huge gains in pain relief and injury recovery.

ViscoGen’s™ Therapeutics are a Recipe for Successful Pain Relief

An ancient adage for wellness states to “Let Food Be Thy Medicine,” and while healthy dietary shifts are the ultimate in preventative healthcare, recovery from injury greatly benefits from the advanced knee pain treatment options available at Orlando’s ViscoGen™ Clinic. With comprehensive care systems like KneeVisc5 ® and JointVisc, our board-certified physicians have helped thousands with the latest FDA approved, injection-based therapies. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to learn more!