
The game of golf is a rapidly-growing sporting phenomenon, with over 37.5M Americans playing in 2021, including a record number of 3.2M new golfers. While to the uninitiated, it seems like a leisurely, non-impact activity, golf requires a fair amount of strength, agility, balance and coordination. The “swing” in particular can exert tremendous forces on the body, occasionally resulting in back pain or joint pain. Florida boasts over 1,100 golf courses and the PGA headquarters, and professional golfers and amateurs alike turn to Orlando’s own ViscoGenwhen the pain becomes a problem. So how can ViscoGen help keep your swing pain-free?

Understand the Swing

While most exercises move the body in a single plane (think of curls, squats, rows), the golf swing is an explosive, three-part motion that moves the body across three planes in under two seconds. Unfortunately, many athletes neglect cross-body movement in their training, which can result in numerous golf-related injuries. ViscoGen has a long history of working with golfers and understands the dynamics of the sport and the comprehensive nature of golf injury treatment. ViscoGen treats these common conditions:

Back Pain

A majority of Americans experience back pain. However, when you consider that golfers spend 4-5 hours bent over, repeating the same motions, it is easy to understand how overuse, in combination with the rotational stresses across the shoulders and hips during the swing, can result in a majority of golfers experiencing some nagging back injuries. ViscoGen can offer fast relief with modalities like chiropractic and spinal decompression to open space between the spinal discs and laser therapy to reduce inflammation and muscle soreness at the source.

Knee Pain

At the beginning of the swing, ankles and knees stabilize the rotation of the hip axis, and the extreme forces can strain weak muscles around the knee joint or contribute to pain and inflammation in joints with arthritic changes. ViscoGen is a leader in knee pain and uses the comprehensive treatment plan KneeVisc 5® to maximize joint pain relief. This multi-step protocol uses a combination of therapeutic treatments and natural injections that help manage pain and inflammation while also lubricating the joint and introducing concentrated growth factors into vulnerable areas to facilitate accelerated recovery.

Joint Pain

As a result of overuse, repetitive movements, and the increased stress of striking the ball, some golfers develop a form of tendinitis and discomfort around the elbow joint called “Golfer’s Elbow.” In some cases, athletes can also experience pain around the shoulder joints or upper arms when muscles, ligaments, or tendons experience overuse or an unexpected traumatic force (like hitting a root or rock or taking a deep divot). In addition to managing inflammation with targeted natural injections, physical therapy to stretch, strengthen, and stabilize muscles can help address mechanical issues.

ViscoGenGets Your Body Back up to Par

Nothing keeps you farther from the fairway than pain, but no matter the problem, ViscoGen has the solution. When you work with our dedicated team, you can experience the same fast and effective pain relief that PGA Tour professionals rely on to get back to the green as soon as possible, and with a team of physicians and medical professionals focused on providing the most advanced non-surgical options for your care, you’ll experience rapid healing with less downtime. Call today to get started on your customized treatment plan.