
ViscoGen™ doctors are Board Certified and trained to perform surgery, but non-surgical solutions for managing pain are now our specialty. ViscoGen™ is the leading Orlando back pain relief team of medical professionals.

When your joints and muscles are not performing well, then you need urgent medical attention. Whether you are an athlete with sports-related injuries or your morning workout has not been going smoothly, you could be unknowingly making the damage worse, and preventing your body from healing properly.

How Spinal Decompression Works

Repetitive lifting, sudden awkward movements, ruptured discs, arthritis, and Osteoporosis are only a few  of the common causes of back pain. They strain spinal ligaments and back muscles, causing chronic joint pain problems along the length of the back.

By gently stretching the spine, we relieve the spinal disc’s pressure to help heal back pains. Spinal decompression has a high success rate among patients who later report feeling much better after treatment.

Using injections and our proprietary treatments, we give you the pain relief you urgently need; this means no anesthesia and complicated medical procedures for you, and you can return to an active life much more quickly!

Choose ViscoGen™ – A Leader in Pain Back Relief

If you are experiencing chronic neck or back pain, spinal decompression is the perfect long-term solution. During treatment, the patient reclines back, and the doctor uses special equipment to pull gently and relieve the pressure building up in the spinal discs.

You won’t experience any pain; in fact, it’s so relaxing that you might fall asleep in the process. Our medical professionals combine spinal decompression with other treatments for permanent healing, even where back surgery has failed.

Consult Us Today

If your back hurts, we can help you relieve the pain using our non-invasive treatment methods. We are in 9685 Lake Nona Village Place, Suite 205, Orlando, FL. If you would like to learn more about our non-surgical back pain solutions, contact us today at 407-627-1148 to schedule a free consultation.