
Osteoarthritis is one of the most devastating and widespread conditions that impacts millions of people around the world. The chronic pain that is caused by the deterioration and inflammation of the bone, cartilage and surrounding tissues can drastically reduce activities, mobility, and overall quality of life.

Even if you are reading this article as a young, fit, athletic person in their 20’s or 30’s, remember that treating the body properly now will dictate the quality of life in older age.  With an estimate that 1 in 4 people will develop osteoarthritis in their lifetime, now it is more critical than ever to educate and empower people about what steps they can take to reduce their risk of developing OA.

How old do you have to be to get osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is normally thought of as a disease of the adult and elderly, that progresses with age. However, there are several risk factors apart from age that predispose an individual to OA, such as genetics, obesity, joint injury, occupational or recreational activities.

What can I do to reduce my chances of osteoarthritis?

The Medical Director at ViscoGen® explains that individuals can take some precautions in their youth that could help their overall health, as well as protect their bone and joint health in the future.

“I wouldn’t limit people’s activity to avoid osteoarthritis, because the benefits of regular activity and exercise are tremendous for cardiovascular health, as well as having so many other benefits,” he says.

“However, when they start to get older, it’s advisable to decrease the amount of high-impact exercises, and the duration of those exercises, to prevent degenerative joint disease,” he explains.

For a 50-year-old, running 20 miles a day on a hard surface can put significant wear and tear on the joints. Instead, elect for a lower-impact, but equally beneficial activity, such as swimming, yoga, hiking, or even walking.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The link between obesity and knee pain is at an epidemic level, with more than 70% of American adults considered either overweight or obese.

One of the most important methods to improve joint pain is through a reduction of body weight. For every pound of extra weight you carry, the knees are forced to withstand an extra 4 pounds of pressure.

At ViscoGen®, we recommend a clean diet that reduces inflammation by avoiding refined sugars, processed foods and fried foods.

ViscoGen®: The Leader in Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatments

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking the precautions to avoid unnecessary damage to the joints are the two best ways to reduce your chances of developing osteoarthritis.

At ViscoGen®, we specialize in innovative, non-surgical knee pain treatments that address and heal the discomforts caused by osteoarthritis. Our breakthrough treatment, KneeVisc 5®, uses a 5-step process to strengthen, rehabilitate the knee joint, helping our patients get back to their active, healthy lives. For more information, contact our clinic to book your appointment.