
More Americans than ever are experiencing the inflammation, limited mobility, and structural deterioration associated with knee joint pain, and it’s not for the reason you might think. It’s true that we have much longer life expectancies and that seniors are living far more active lives, but one of the most important factors for the wear and tear that causes knee joint pain is obesity. According to a 2014 survey through the CDC, over 70% of American adults are considered overweight or obese, leading to an epidemic of conditions like knee pain. How does obesity contribute, and what are some options for relief?

Joint Pain Break Down

In a typically healthy joint, the ends of adjoining bones are covered by smooth cartilage. This creates a gliding surface for motion and also acts as a cushion between the bones, absorbing the forces of weight and movement. When Osteoarthritis starts to develop in the knee because of overuse, or too much pressure from being overweight or obese, the cartilage breaks down and pain and inflammation result. In the final stages of this deterioration, the lubricating and cushioning cartilage wears away and any movement becomes bone on bone, leading to joint damage, severe pain, and in some cases, joint replacement. How can you get on track to recovery without surgery?

Improve Your Diet

One of the most important methods to improve knee joint pain is to reduce weight in the body, and a clean diet is most of the battle. The Arthritis Foundation reports that for each pound of extra weight on your frame, you can expect the knees to withstand an extra 4 pounds of pressure. If you’re 50 pounds overweight, that’s an extra 200 pounds of weight experienced with every step. Studies also show that an anti-inflammatory diet that reduces consumption of refined sugars, processed or fried foods, and meat and dairy can help reduce chronic pain.

Load factor is not the only consideration in the link between knee pain and obesity.

“Everybody thought that obesity was a factor base, because of increased weight force and increased load, but it actually now appears that there are systemic factors that people have, who have obesity that affects their joints adversely,” says Dr. Arnold, knee pain specialist at ViscoGen™. “Obese individuals are more likely to develop osteoarthritis in their knees.”

Get More Active

One of the most important ways to improve joint functionality and to reduce pain is to stay active. According to researchers at West Virginia University, physical activity can reduce pain and improve physical function by about 40 percent. It can be difficult to get more active when you’re experiencing pain, so opt for activities that are low-to-no impact or non-weight-bearing, like swimming or water aerobics.

Consider Support

Recent medical advancements have created successful and affordable alternatives to knee replacement surgeries, which aren’t always successful. Modalities like re-lubricating the joint with injections, joint alignment, bracing, and strengthening can provide successful relief and promote the right conditions for healing.

Trust Your Care to Professionals

If acute or chronic knee joint pain is impacting your life, or if you’ve been told surgery is your only option for relief, you owe it to yourself to visit the team at ViscoGen™. Our team of medical professionals is led by longtime Orlando physicians dedicated to helping others in the community, who are proud to offer revolutionary, non-surgical solutions. Please call us today to schedule your own consultation to learn more about your options for relief.