
Knee joint pain affects millions of Americans daily, and whether it’s the result of an acute injury or a chronic condition that develops because of repetitive movements, knee discomfort and pain will have an impact on everything from your daily activities to your how you work and play.

Unfortunately, many people believe that invasive surgeries are their only option for lasting relief and recovery, but according to research by Daniel Riddle, Ph.D. and the Virginia Commonwealth University in Virginia, up to 34% of total knee replacements conducted annually are inappropriate or unnecessary. New advancements in medicine have resulted in incredibly effective alternatives like gel injections for knee joint pain. How does Viscosupplementation help alleviate knee pain and aid in healing?

ViscoGen’s KneeVisc 5

ViscoGen has developed a comprehensive treatment plan that supports healing and repair for a number of knee pain conditions, including arthritis and osteoarthritis, scar tissue in the knees, pain from past injury, bursitis and even the feeling of bone on bone. Each aspect of the treatment process complements the others, and results in successful alleviation of pain and discomfort.

  • Gel for knee joint pain reduces inflammation and pain in the knee joint, which reduces pain by helping the body eliminate swelling in and around the injured joint.
  • Gel injections also lubricate and cushion joints. Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in the synovial fluid surrounding joints, becomes watery in damaged joints. “HA is a cushion or a buffer against inflammatory cells in the joint,” says Dr. Michael Schaefer, M.D., physiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic. “In some cases, [gel injection] can stimulate the knee to start producing more natural HA.” Some physicians also believe that HA helps reduce pain by coating nerve endings within the joint.
  • Our treatment process also focuses on realigning the joint to improve support and muscular imbalances that might contribute to pain.
  • Strengthening of the muscles around the joint with specific, safe and targeted exercises lead to improved stability and better function and mobility.
  • The KneeVisc 5 process helps create the conditions and internal environment that supports the healing process for long term knee pain relief.

With reduced pain and increased function and mobility, it’s possible for patients to get back to being active, to increase exercise for weight reduction and overall strength, and to re-establish a healthy lifestyle and positive state of mind.

Has Knee Pain Impacted your Life?

ViscoGen™ Clinic in Orlando is your leader in non-surgical knee and joint pain relief. Through years of research and commitment by our entire medical team, we’ve developed the most comprehensive and effective treatment plans that substantially relieve knee and joint pain in our patients without the need for surgery. If you’re ready to investigate options that have led thousands to successful joint pain relief, contact us today with your questions and to set up a consultation.