
Aging in America today is vastly different from the experience of seniors in decades past. Today, men and women into their 70’s and 80’s are still leading very active lives, engaging in regular exercise and continuing with active lifestyles. It’s no surprise then that the wear and tear on aging joints is increasing the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis, with estimates that up to 91 million are experiencing knee joint pain and other symptoms of the condition. JSN, or “Joint Space Narrowing” is a major cause of chronic knee pain, and is recognized as a contributing factor to osteoarthritis.  How can JSN be treated to alleviate knee pain?

How the Knee Joint Works

The knee joint is a hinge joint and the largest in the body, and is comprised of the bones of the upper and lower leg and knee cap, a web of soft tissues like cartilage, ligaments, tendons and muscle, and also pockets of cushioning fluid that absorb the impacts and forces exerted on the knee through movements like walking, running and kneeling. Over time, the cartilage that cushions the joint and the fluid that lubricates the bones to allow smooth movement begin to deteriorate and get thinner. This ultimately results in inflammation, knee pain, and a grating “bone on bone” feeling that limits function and mobility. What treatments are available for the factor of JSN for knee pain relief?

Treatments for Knee Pain

Joint Space Narrowing results from wear and tear, so while no simple “cure” exists, there are ways to prevent unnecessary strain on the joints and to treat the symptoms when they occur.

  • Natural gel injections strategically placed into the knee joint replace lost lubricant and also increase cushioning between bones to reduce pain.
  • Care must be taken to improve alignment within the joint, as joint space narrowing can result in the formation of painful bone spurs that change the biomechanics of the gait to avoid pain. Imbalances can lead to uneven wear in the joint and pain in the muscles and supporting tissues.
  • Strengthening exercises for the muscles above and below the joint strengthen its stability and improve function and mobility.
  • Gel Injections improve the curative environment in the joint, supporting a decrease in inflammation and an improvement of the conditions for healing in the tissues.

A comprehensive treatment plan including natural gel injections can drastically improve pain and inflammation in knee conditions, especially those that result from joint space narrowing due to the regular wear and tear of active aging or overuse.

Are You Experiencing Knee Pain from Joint Space Narrowing?

The techniques developed by the medical team at ViscoGen Clinic through years of research and commitment have helped thousands of patients avoid or substantially delay surgery. KneeVisc 5, our non-surgical, comprehensive plan for the treatment of knee pain, works to provide incredible pain relief and creates the environment for healing within the joint. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to visit Orlando’s Leader in Non-Surgical Knee and Joint Pain Relief. You have nothing to lose but the pain!