
Common Foods To Avoid

Believe it or not, what you place into your body can have a huge impact on your joints. This rings particularly true for those suffering from symptoms of inflammation caused by auto-immune disorder or arthritis. It may be beneficial to limit the intake of certain foods or even cut them out of your diet completely. Generally, foreign/unnatural substance in food will trigger the immune system to react. This reaction is often seen in the form of swelling. There are a few types of foods or ingredients known to cause problems in the body, such as processed foods or those containing high-fructose corn syrup, artificial trans-fats, and refined- carbohydrates where fiber has been removed. There are many other factors, like excessive alcohol and processed meats, that can also trigger discomforts in and around the joints.

A Healthier Diet = Healthier Joints

On the contrary, there are many ways you can lessen symptoms of swelling by adding certain foods to your diet. While learning a new menu of healthy meal options can sound like a pain, there are some simple diet choices you can begin making right away. Ultimately, an anti-inflammatory diet is simply about making healthier choices. A Mediterranean diet has been proven to help mitigate swelling while providing a plethora of other great benefits. This kind of diet plan is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils. Not ready for an entirely new diet regimen? That’s okay! Try adding these 5 suggestions below into you diet and start feeling the relief: